Advanced gas options for ETH fees
Esther Jade
Tassio Rafael da Silva
in progress
Tassio Rafael da Silva
John Davis
Yes, how is this not already added?
Billy Saurus
I should have stated specifically "for sending assets". This option already exists for sending any tokens/coins (ENJ, ETH, and all others as far as I'm aware), but not for assets/collectibles (FTs and NFTs).
Bryana Kortendick
This option already exists. Toggle "Advanced Mode" on and you're good to go!
Billy Saurus
Bryana Kortendick: Hi Bryana. Appreciate the reply! Apologies, I should have stated specifically "for sending assets".
Yes, this option exists when sending tokens, but not collectibles (Enjin backed FTs or NFTs).
Bryana Kortendick
Billy Saurus: Ah understood and noted!
Michel Clauwaert
Bryana Kortendick: I mean for transferring enjinbacked items and placing them on the market. Is here an optionf or?
Billy Saurus
Michel Clauwaert: That's what I meant too, and no, currently there is not.
Dammy Abubakr
very much neccesary
Michel Clauwaert